About Us

Beginning in the early 1980’s, the need arose for better ways to safely manage dangerous materials such as compressed gas cylinders. In 1986, a patent was issued to Jeff Gold, founder of Precision Technik for a mobile containment device that could safely process a wide range of deteriorated, unstable, and unknown containers and a prototype was built. Field experience with this initial system led to improvements and enhancements that have since resulted in a family of related products covered by over 30 patents.

Over time, field operations involving chemical and radioactive wastes as well as biological warfare material on sites around the world using both commercial tools and equipment of our own design allowed us to see first-hand what worked, what did not, and most importantly, what improvements could be made to enhance both safety and efficiency. Translating these experiences forged under often difficult field conditions and transforming them into systems crafted in our fabrication facilities resulted in the production of the finest equipment available to those tasked with actually handling high hazard materials and unconventional weapons in the field.